OBC Friends
Would you like to support Oxford Bach Choir?
Then why not consider becoming a Friend? Comprising former singers, friends and family members of current choir members and many of those who regularly attend our concerts, our Friends are a vital part of our musical community. Their support helps us to perform with leading soloists and orchestras on a regular basis.
Benefits enjoyed by Friends include:
- Priority ticket booking
- Invitation to September Preview of the forthcoming season by the Musical Director
- Invitation to post concert drinks receptions for OBC concerts
- Invitation to OBC open rehearsals
- Regular newsletter
- Acknowledgement in concert programme
- Free concert programme
- Ticket discount (for Benefactor Friends only)
Membership (minimum annual donation) rates:
- Individual Friend – £50
- Joint Friends – £80
- Benefactor Friend – £100
- Joint Benefactor Friend – £160
- Individual Life Friend – £500 (single payment)
- Joint Life Friends – £800 (single payment)
Pro rata reductions will apply to those joining after the start of the choir year.
Click here to download information leaflet.
For further details, please contact the Secretary to the Friends of the Oxford Bach Choir, Stuart Pickford, email friends@oxfordbachchoir.org.