Our community work
We are passionate about helping young people to sing.
In September 2022 we launched our Schools Choral Programme for the 2022-23 academic year, and we are currently looking for up to 8 Oxfordshire Secondary Schools to join us. Key points:
- Practical training and support for choir leaders
- Opportunities for school choirs to sing with each other
- End of year concert in conjunction with Oxford Bach Choir
- programme is fully funded.
For more information including details of how to apply please email development@oxfordbachchoir.com
The Schools Choral Programme is a development of work we have been doing to provide professional musical educators to help start new choirs at Aureus School Didcot and Bartholomew School, Eynsham.
In December each year, we perform our Carols for All concert in partnership with the Oxfordshire County Music Service which provides a children’s choir, a youth choir and a youth brass ensemble. This offers children and young people the opportunity to work the Oxford Bach Choir; and the concert attracts different audiences (including parents and carers) who might not normally attend our concerts. In recent years this concert has been recorded by BBC Radio Oxford and broadcast at Christmas.
We are launching a fundraising campaign to enable this to happen. If you would like to donate please see our Just Giving page and for more information see our for those who would like to donate to this work
For more information on how you can be involved in our work, please see our Support Us page.